Monday, February 1, 2010

We create it...MEMORIES!!

31st January 2010....Thunder, Lightning, RAIN...The smell of the soil, the sound of her sweet song, people running around just to find a place to hide from her...the rain

To me she is a sight I never want to matter how long i stare outside the window I can never be pacified...:)


Well...I went to this place I once called childhood playground. There was this huge tree which was our swing, slide, tunnel, pretend kitchen....everything. We would sit on her huge branches and talk for hours, play around her, hide around her over grown trunk, fall into her lap....we created something we didn't even realize...MEMORIES!!!

I go back in time just to get a glimpse of my time spent in past...Cochin

My dad would take my brother and me out in the rain wrapped in nothing but a thin cotton towel...we would dance and jump around in the rain...hoping that it would never mom would call us back in fearing that we would fall sick...I miss all those little things yet, so precious moments that I spent.

WWF with my brother...*LOL*...sometime
s we would wrestle as if we were into the real stuff...Owen Hart (RIP), Bret Hart, The undertaker, Diesel, Razor Ramon....Oh man! all these were characters we used to enact...probably we were more real than them... *winks*

My brother was my best friend...we would discuss anything - no secrets as such...sometimes I sit and wonder if time could be got back...Alas! time is never refundable...time goes by, we grow up...I think I would prefer to remain a child at least I could relive those precious moments...may be I would try and correct a few things so that it would be better..

And would like to hold on to my best friend...MY BROTHER...:)

We all look back into our past...its human nature...some of us wish we could undo things...some wish we could redo & some well, wish it to remain the same...irrespective of whatever we wish our past is gone...just like time...we can't get it back...but, our past makes us who and what we are today and in the future...

Today,tomorrow and the following days too will be a memory soon....remember we create memories...this article i wrote with only one person in mind...who i miss a lot and who i never want to lose...

I LOVE YOU GORDON...always have and always will....miss you

P.S: I would not have put this picture...but the pic is soooo funny look at our mouth...*LOL*

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