Tuesday, January 12, 2010


There I was, standing at the airport....
Why is 'Good-bye' so hard to say?

My heart couldn't stop saying 'she'll be back'....she ran up to me after her baggage check-in..

I stared at her....those beautiful curls entwined against one another...her eyes were filled with happiness (she was going back home to her family) yet, I could see that there was something they wanted to tell me...

Everything about her is what I always wanted...and I wanted it for a life time...a life time of love which is so PRECIOUS...

The time came to say good-bye...tears filled my eyes as I watched her walk away...far away...and even farther....till only nothing but her warm kiss remains....Now I had to wait for her....

It seemed like ages though only a few hours had passed...TRING_TRING....there it was...'Oh legs run...RUN'..."hello"...Ah! it was that lovely voice....we talked for hours....day and night I would just wait for her to call me....

Days went by and time flew...her calls were less and somehow my head & heart were having constant battles....its become a month now with no calls at all from her...I try to call and the number does not exist....I waited patiently....Oh God! where did I go wrong?...

Months went by.....'NO CALLS'....A year passed...one day as I was checking my mail box, a letter with a familiar handwriting got my attention....

WOW!!! it was her...I didn't know whether to cry or laugh...I opened the letter with trembling hands...my head was spinning...I could hear my heart pounding....butterflies in my stomach...it read....


Then it all came back to me....her eyes this is what they were trying to say....


Why is 'Good-bye' so hard to say?

With unanswered questions & hatred for LOVE...i remain...